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Social Development


Social Development Sector has shouldered the responsibility of institutional building at grassroots level to support in bringing about a social change, thus taking the vulnerable and marginalized communities to the sustainable stage of development and self-reliance. It has social mobilization as a core activity and entry point followed by different development interventions including social and physical service delivery projects and coordinating and networking along with emphasis on gender balance and good governance. The main objectives of the programs are to mainstream the poor into a socio-economic development process and reduce their vulnerability.


Our Goal:

Enable democratic and participatory action resulting in institutionalizing social justice, as a basis of socio-economic development.

Make VDOs development oriented, sustainable and responsive to local needs and priorities.

Highlight social development issues, gender discrimination, governance, and globalization; and create a forum for discussion and broad-based partnership to make some efforts for the solution of these issue.


Social Mobilization Process

Safwco has used social mobilization, since the initial stage, as a tool to empower community to organize them into self-governing groups, or community organizations, and initiate and control their own personal and communal development. In this context a well developed social mobilization model is followed. Social mobilization model of Safwco encompasses dynamic and spacious community partaking as mandatory for gaining ownership, in a way to make innovations not seen as externally imposed. Safwco believes that unless the communities are well organized in the form of organizations (VDOs), no intercessions and initiatives can successfully be followed for development at grassroots level. Thus spiraling to the communities to sustainable parameters is pivotal and paramount ambition that Safwco has been pursuing. In order to procure at the envisaged stage of sustainability of the communities, Safwco follows effectual and enduring touchstone mechanism; the salient constituents of that prolific benchmark are furnished as follows:

Communities' Participation and Input:

The very crux of getting the communities directly involved in development initiatives is to pave ground where they feel obsessed with the delusion of grandeur leading to the sense of ownership and responsibility among them.

Safwco believes in the philosophy of providing equal opportunities to men and women without any discrimination. As the women of rural areas are the most ignored section of society, therefore Safwco focuses on development of women through gender ladder activities and creating an enabling environment for their socio economic growth leading towards their empowerment. Thus the objective of gender development program is to balance gender gap and promote active involvement of women for their leadership development. In this context, Safwco, since its inception has been in the forefront in raising voice, via seminars, workshops, walks and publications, against the heinous and atrocious form of injustice clothed in terms of Honour killing to women in the rural areas of Sindh.

Human Resources and Gender Development: Prior to mobilizing and generating natural resources in physical environ, Safwco deems indispensable to nurture the human resources in terms of skills and expertise among the communities. If people are not capable of handling the natural resources, it falls flat to rejuvenate the resources available at their disposal.


Coordination and Linkages:

After the institutionalization of communities with men and women as active actors, it is vital that they should have easy access to and linkages with service delivery sectors of Safwco and all the departments and organizations (Government and Non-government ) which are likely to be of some support for them. Safwco builds such bridges between the communities and support organizations, government departments, donor agencies, academic and research institutes engaged in similar pursuits for information and experience sharing and mutual collaboration.

Leadership Development


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